Total Confirmed100%
% Recovered50.03%
% Deaths10.37%
% Healed14.02%
New daily infections (over 3 days). Forecast statistics based on the evolution of COVID-19 in China.
Beginning of infections
Peak new infections
End of new infections
Infected, deaths and recovered
17713 Infected, 1959 deaths, 3488 healed
3214 Infected, 94 deaths 167 healed
4525 Infected, 458 deaths, 152 healed
887 Infected, 73 deaths, 70 healed
2341 Infected, 154 deaths, 0 healed
724 Infected, 32 deaths, 42 healed
282 Infected, 3 deaths, 12 healed
1330 Infected, deaths, healed
1568 Infected, 92 deaths, 0 healed
Infected, 22 deaths, 17 healed
263 Infected, 7 deaths, 7 healed
460 Infected, 9 deaths, 28 healed
383 Infected, 19 deaths, 2 healed
0 Infected, 0 deaths, 0 healed